Summer Staycations in the Albany, NY area
Where can you go in the Capital District to continue--or end--summer with a blast? Here are KidsOutAndAbout's top suggestions:
Get set to get wet:
We've got lots of opportunity for water play near Albany:
Beaches: We have some terrific New York State Parks and other places to get wet. Click here for KidsOutAndAbout's list of beaches and wet hikes.
Spraygrounds & Pools: You probably have your "home" pool or sprayground. Why not try someplace new? Click here for local spraygrounds and their locations.
Amuse Thyself
Do your kids love amusement parks? Click here for our list of amusement parks within driving distance.
Don’t forget mini golf! We have a whole list of places you can take your kids miniature golfing.
Before everyone gets back into school, try a new playground. Here's our list of playgrounds that are worth the trip.
Home is Where the Fun Is
Turn off technology and enjoy the simple pleasures with 50 Ways to Love Your Summer.
Or vacation in your backyard with a Backyard Campout.
Nature Centers
The Capital District's local nature centers are either free or extremely low-cost, yet can supply an entire day of technology-free fun that kids will remember forever. Click here for KidsOutAndAbout's list of Nature Centers.
Or, take a hike! Check out Hikes in our area, keep in mind our Tips for Hiking with Families, and watch out for poison ivy!
Down-Home Fun
Don't forget all of the great farms in our area, although all of them are open through October as well as in the summer:
Corn Mazes (at the very end of the summer through the fall)
Our local kid-friendly museums have plenty of opportunities for kids to immerse themselves in imaginative play... and they won't even realize they are learning! The New York State Museum, miSci, CNSE Children's Museum of Science & Technology, Albany Institute of History & Art, Hanford Mills Museum, The Farmers' Museum, and more!. Here is our big list of all local kid-friendly museums.
Day Trips
We're SO close to so much great stuff. Want to check out someplace new? Follow this link to find reviews of Day Trips from the Capital District Area.