Hi-5 Sports
The mission of Hi-5 Sports is to provide sport training, competition, and social events for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. Hi-5 Sports is an organization that gives those with special needs the opportunity to learn the positive values of recreational athletics. With an encouraging attitude, Hi-5 Sports focuses on the education of the social, emotional and mental health of its participants. In a variety of organized athletic events, individuals with special needs, as well as their parents and/or guardians, are able to experience the thrill of competition and learn the value of teamwork. With the help of primarily student volunteers from the community, children and young adults from all walks of life are able to socialize and compete with one another in a controlled and positive environment.
Coaching Philosophy
The team at Hi-5 Sports is committed to making each athletes' experience positive and will make appropriate accommodations to suit the needs of the individual athlete. The lessons sports teach know no barriers.
We are committed to the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA: www.positivecoach.org). PCA refers to a positive coach as a Double-Goal coach. In addition to the basic goal of any coach to improve the athlete's performance, the Double-Goal coach has a second goal that is even more important - to use the sports experience to help young people learn "life lessons" and positive character traits that will help them be successful throughout their lives.
We help our athletes to maximizes their effort, to continue to learn and improve, and manage "mistakes" and not let them (or the fear of them) hold the athlete back. We create an environment that encourages individual and team goals. We promote honoring the game through a commitment to fair play and respect for each athletes.