Yogibo LLC
Opening with just one concept store in Natick Massachusetts, we have grown to 22 retail showrooms, plus direct shipping to the continental United States and Canada. You can now discover Yogibos awesomeness all over the place; including schools, dorms, museums, conferences, and maybe your home. Our vision has been to combine the best aspects of comfort and design a product that revolves around, well... you. We believe Yogibo is something you will grow with, not out of. You can learn more ways to use it, to contort it and new places to use it. Yogibos are not your typical bean bag, this is the only furniture that loves you back and has had everyone saying "Ooh" and "Ahhh" for years. With plenty of luxurious, everybody friendly bean bags, body rolls, pillows and inspiring accessories, Yogibo can transform any building into a truly awesome and personalized relaxation zone; encouraging all to "be more cozy, play, and chill", inside and out.