The Music Studio

The Capital Region's music school of choice for 40 years!
If your child is aged 4-8, he or she is ready to enroll in our celebrated core program: The Foundation. The Foundation is built on small-group classes that meet once a week during the school year. Children are grouped according to age in classes of no more than eight. Highly trained faculty teach a custom curriculum that immerses children in every aspect of music, including pitch, rhythm, dynamics, note reading, and playing the piano. The classes are challenging and fun; our standards are high, but with our support and encouragement our students meet them with gusto. ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS EACH FALL.
If your child is younger than four, or not yet ready for a school-year commitment, we offer short term classes for young children with start dates throughout the year.
We also offer classes and individual lessons for Children with Special Needs, taught by a certified music therapist.
If you want to find out more (and there's so much more to know!), please call The Music Studio today at 518-459-7799 or visit our website at