Mopco Improv Theatre

The Mopco Improv Theatre at 10 North Jay St. in Schenectady, hosts the Capital Region's favorite improv troupes. Thursday and Friday nights run participatory shows and events, and on Saturday nights we feature our house troupe, The Mop & Bucket Improv Co.
The company performs, teaches, and trains at venues around the region, as well as nationally and internationally. We provide corporate entertainment, shows for private parties, school shows and inservices, and special event talent. We also host regular classes and special master classes in improv technique.
Mop & Bucket's innovative Mopco Youth Program is a blast! Twice a year, our youth groups work with professional improvisors to learn and build improv skills. Improv classes are not just for "theater kids." Flexing the improv muscles is great for: collaboration, communication, outside-the-box thinking, and personal expression. You could say we're prepping the next generation's power leaders...or just having some ding dang jolly fun.
Come play with us!