Capital Kids Outside

A growing body of evidence points to the tremendous benefits of getting kids outside for even just an hour a day. Getting outside helps keep kids healthy by providing regular exercise and playful stimulation for their growing bodies and minds. Getting outside helps connect kids to nature and teach them about the importance of conservation. And getting outside with other kids and families helps our kids develop friendships, and encourages parents and children to share fun quality time together.
Unfortunately, getting your kids outside on a regular basis these days is easier said than done. Between hectic family schedules, the lure of indoor pursuits like video games, and decreasing access to natural spaces, getting your kids outdoors regularly is a great idea that can be challenging to actually put into practice in our everyday lives. And how do you even get started?
That’s where Capital Kids Outside (CKO) comes in, by providing parents with a practical way to make the process of getting our families outside easier. Our mission is to provide a platform to help families easily share ideas and plan activities together for getting our kids and families outside on a regular basis. CKO’s social networking and information-sharing tools make it easy to:
- plan structured outdoor activities (like nature hikes) and invite other families to join you
- plan freeplay events for kids to get outside and just have fun together
- arrange ad hoc outdoor events like a meetup at a park or some snow day fun
- share information on places to go and things to do outdoors
- find resources for helping families get outside and learn what other groups are doing
- connect with other local families interested in getting outside
- share your own family’s experiences with the rest of our community
Together, we can help make it easier for all of us to get our kids and families outdoors on a regular basis. Together, we can help our kids lead happier and healthier lives, strengthen our families, and rebuild our connections to the natural world and to our planet. Welcome to Capital Kids Outside!