Old Growth Forest Exploration | Kids Out and About Albany

Old Growth Forest Exploration

Lan­dis Arbore­tum is one of three arbore­ta in east­ern North Amer­i­ca that have old growth forests. The oth­er two are the New York Botan­i­cal Gar­den and Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty. Join George Steele from 2:00 to 4:00 PM to explore this unique feature of the Arboretum! Partial funding for this class provided through a grant from Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email mindy@kidsoutandabout.com so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.


Lan­dis Arbore­tum is one of three arbore­ta in east­ern North Amer­i­ca that have old growth forests. The oth­er two are the New York Botan­i­cal Gar­den and Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty. Join George Steele from 2:00 to 4:00 PM to explore this unique feature of the Arboretum!  Partial funding for this class provided through a grant from Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program.

Instructor: George Steele, nature educator

Location: Meet at the Nicholas J. Juried Meeting House at Landis

Registration: Members: Individuals $5, families $15; non-members $15, families $25

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


Landis Arboretum


174 Lape Road P.O. BOX 186
Esperance, NY, 12066
United States


Contact name: 
Landis Arboretum
Email address: 
Arboretum members: Individuals $5, families $15; non-members $15, families $25


All Ages