Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady | Kids Out and About Albany

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady

1221 Wendell Avenue
Schenectady , NY , 12308
Phone: (518) 374-4446
42° 48' 59.7564" N, 73° 55' 17.7456" W
Contact name: 
Melissa MacKinnon, Director of Religious Education
What our organization offers: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
A welcoming community of inquiring free thinkers.

We are a diverse, welcoming congregation. We are a liberal religious community of old, young, single, married individuals living in many different types of families, affluent, economically challenged, and variously abled. We are excited about finding new people to join with us as we worship, sing, play, teach, study, and work for social justice together